Save the Oskar Schlemmer Studio for Future Generation
Please read, sign and share the petition:
Settlement Reached in Inheritance Dispute Over Oskar Schlemmer Estate
The legal dispute over the estate of Tut Schlemmer, widow of the internationally acclaimed Bauhaus artist Oskar Schlemmer (1888 – 1943), has been resolved. Before the 19th Civil Senate of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court, the artist's grandchildren reached a settlement in just two months on 19 December 2024.
The legal dispute over the Estate of Oskar Schlemmer lasted more than 20 years. As part of the settlement, it was decreed that the granddaughter would leave the joint heirship in exchange for compensation. C. Raman thereby assumes sole legal succession to his grandmother Tut Schlemmer and the Estate of Oskar Schlemmer.
Through the settlement, C. Raman Schlemmer succeeded in preventing the core of Oskar Schlemmer's artistic œuvre from being auctioned, ensuring its long-term preservation, and making it accessible to the public through future exhibitions. Furthermore, he will donate an important series of works by Oskar Schlemmer to the public.

at the Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland, on Mother's Day, 2024.
Lecture: Oskar Schlemmer, Integrated artist for 21 Century—Dance, Painting, Sculpture-its universal body language
── ダンシング・アーティストバウハウスにおける芸術とパフォーマンスの革新性オスカー・シュレンマー(1888–1943)は、ドイツのワイマールとデッサウにあるバウハウスでマイスターを務めた、革新的な芸術家、舞台美術家、そして振付家です。視覚芸術とパフォーマンスを融合させる学際的なアプローチで知られ、彼の代表作である「三部構成のバレエ」では、人間の身体と空間、動きとの相互作用を探求しました。彼の先駆的なアイデアは、視覚芸術とパフォーマンスアートの最前線に立ち、20世紀の芸術表現に多大な影響を与えるとともに、モダンアート史における重要な存在としてその名を確立しました。
この度、オスカー・シュレンマーの孫であり、アーカイブの管理者であるC. ラマン・シュレンマー氏による特別レクチャーを開催いたします。
We are delighted to announce a special lecture by C. Raman Schlemmer, grandson and curator of the Oskar Schlemmer Estate and archives. Raman has devoted his life to sharing Oskar Schlemmer's œuvre and legacy internationally, highlighting their profound impact. In this lecture, he will offer unique insights into Schlemmer's life, his inspirations, Schlemmer's legacy in both art and performance, and the creative forces that shaped his artistic vision.
We invite you to join us for this rare opportunity to explore the significance and enduring allure of Schlemmer's art. We look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional event.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Doors open: 18:40 o’clock
Lecture with images: 19:15 – 20:15 o’clock
Questions and Networking: 20:15 – 21:15 o’clock
Closing: 21:30 o’clock
Participation Fee:8,000 JPY (excluding tax)

Photo: Artem Galkin
Bauhaus Signet
Commemorating the day that would have been my Grandfather Oskar Schlemmer’s 136th Birthday, on September 4th, I am proud to announce that together with one33seven we are releasing the Bauhaus Signet NFT Collection.
This PFP Project echoes the minimalism and timeless human profile in today’s search for digital identity.It is a collection that builds a bridge between the Bauhaus school and Blockchain.1888 unique onchain NFTs.

Onchain NFT
Lehmbruck and the Avantgarde
Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, Germany
16 June - 6 October 2024
Including artworks by :
Oskar Schlemmer
Auguste Rodin
Metardo Rosso
Umberto Boccioni
Egon Schiele
Alexander Archipenko
Wilhelm Lehmbruck
et al

Oskar Schlemmer, Drahtfigur Homo mit Rückenfigur auf der Hand, 1968,
Palazzo Magnani
Reggio Emilia RE, Italy
17 November 2023 – 17 March 2024

9 November 2023, “Kristallnacht”
C. Raman Schlemmer Oskar Schlemmer: The Persecution of a Major Avant-Garde Artist in Nazi-Germany
University of Pittsburgh, German Department - Jewish Studies, Pittsburgh, USA
See: Remembering Kristallnacht, 9 November 2023
Also see: Invitation to an Event Commemorating Kristallnacht 2023

Das Relief von Rodin bis Taeuber-Arp
Kunsthalle Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany
13 October 2023 – 25 February 2024
Verborgenes Bauhaus
Goethe-Nationalmuseum, Weimar, Germany
26 – 27 October 2023
Interdisciplinary symposium about the rediscovered mural paintings by Oskar Schlemmer of 1923 in the former apartment of architect Adolf Meyer in Weimar
Frank-Manuel Peter
Oskar Schlemmer und der Tanz
Deutsches Tanzarchiv, Cologne
Wienand Verlag, Cologne, 2023
Vom Leben einer Unangepassten
Elisabeth Kübler
Edition Patrick Frey
Zürich, 2022
Zerrissene Moderne
Die Basler Ankäufe „entarteter“ Kunst
Castaway Modernism
Basel’s Acquisitions of “Degenerate“ Art
La modernité déchirée
Les acquisitions baloises d‘art « dégénérée »
Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland
22 October 2022 - 19 February 2023
Hatje Cantz, 2022

Kunstmuseum Basel
Filip Markiewicz
Celebration Factory
Edited by Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, Luxembourg
Texts by Catherine Hemelryk, Enrico Lunghi, Filip Markiewicz, Katrin Michaels, Kevin Muhlen, Oskar Schlemmer, C. Raman Schlemmer, Marc Wellmann
Hatje Cantz, 2020
Die Schweizer Avantgarde und das Bauhaus
gta Verlag, ETH Zürich, 2019
Filip Markiewicz
Celebration News
Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain
Texts by Filip Markiewicz, Oskar Schlemmer
Interviews with Lech Wałęsa, C. Raman Schlemmer
Luxembourg, 2018
Oskar Schlemmer
Available at Kessler Museum Merchandising